Level 2 Return to Training
Senior Club Guide and Requirements
Note - these guidelines apply to the Kumeu Senior Rugby Teams (Premiers, Premier Reserves, U21s, U85s and Presidents), for Junior team guidelines click here.
Responsibility – Coaches and Managers are responsible for each team training under the requirements. Same rules apply for Coaches, Managers and Players.
Health – do not attend training if you are feeling unwell and communicate with Manager/Coach. You cannot attend training if returned from overseas in last 14 days.
Contact Tracing – A register of all people attending training must be kept. Information required – Full name, Address, Phone, Email, Date, Time arrived, Time left, Training Bubble Number. A copy emailed to chairman@kumeurugby.co.nz
Arrival at Club – it is preferred everyone parks in club car park and not on the likes of Princes Street or by bowling club.
Hand Hygiene – Hand sanitiser will be available at the club. Everyone is required to wash hands before and after training.
Equipment Cleaning – All equipment used must be cleaned before and after training. 1:10 bleach to water solution in a spray bottle.
Training Bubbles – if number of players training is more than the allowable training bubble number then you are required to split into training bubbles. You must give each training bubble a number so it is known which player/coach/manager is in which bubble. Bubbles cannot mix – distancing, no sharing of equipment, coaches cannot jump from one bubble to another. Area of fields used specific to each bubble must be clearly explained and if required marked out.
Changing Rooms and Clubrooms – at this point they will not be open on training nights. Therefore come ready to train. (Toilets will be open, but no changing rooms)
Congregating – Keep physical distancing before and after training. 2 metres.
Physio – set up in end room for strapping only. One in One out. Physio to note who they have treated. Injured players should be treated separate from training sessions. Do not go into Changing Rooms.
Club Contact – Mark Hall 021527877 chairman@kumeurugby.co.nz